
Friday, 9 May 2014

Fruits of the Spirit

After  prayers one evening, I heard a voice saying the " FRUITS OF THE SPIRIT". I immediately understood that I was supposed to go read and learn more about the fruit of the spirit.
 Of course I knew they were LOVE, JOY, PEACE, PATIENCE, GOODNESS, KINDNESS,  FAITHFULNESS, GENTLENESS ,SELF CONTROL  but I had never really studied it.

See now I have always considered myself to be a morally upright person .  I just never felt that I lacked any of the fruits. Anyways I started my studies and I made awesome personal discoveries. I obliviously could not keep it to myself, so I decided to share. I am on a journey of discovering, in-debt  how God wants us to behave.  The characters and attributes that should be found in us as Christian ladies and guys.  I ‘m deeply relying on the holy spirit to grant me understanding and access to deep secrets on this topic. Please feel free to share or ask questions. Lets  learn and grow in Christ together. Join me in writing this articles.

Please answer the question at the top. What is love?


  1. jide akinpelu9 May 2014 at 04:49

    My opinion:

    1. Its the fruit of the Spirit not fruits.

    2. I always love to draw parallels in nature so as to be able to get deeper understanding for Romans 1: 20 says His invisible attributes can be clearly seen in the things He has made. So if we look into nature, we see that a tree does not produce fruit until first it reaches maturity. I believe therefore that the first step to bearing the fruit of the Spirit is attaining maturity and that starts with living the Word as Paul admonishes in Acts 20:32 - "I commend you to God and to the Word of His grace which is able to build you up and give you an inheritance among them that are sanctified ". The fruit of the Spirit is part of our inheritance and being built up by the word of grace is the first step.

    Jide Akinpelu.

    1. Thanks for that correction & contribution Jide,
      About the maturity issue, How would you know when u are mature?


  2. What is Love? Love is God.. Love is the Person of Jesus Love is a choice Love is God

    1. Thanks for that contribution.-- #word--"Love is a choice"

  3. Love is seeing the best in someone and looking forward to bringing the best out of the person. It has 3 main facets which are: Agape Philio Eros. The highest of them is Agape, which is what i explained. Unconditional.

  4. Thanks for contributing. #word--Love is seeing the best in someone.


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